OUR VISION: A Tennessee River Basin where aquatic and human life thrives. The Tennessee River and its tributaries will be nationally recognized as one of America’s greatest and most environmentally significant waterways.
OUR MISSION: to empower and inspire the people of the Basin to effectively steward the region's aquatic biodiversity. We do this by bringing together a diverse ecosystem of partners to support information sharing and networking, innovative approaches, and the discovery of common purpose.
The Tennesse River Basin is home to more aquatic species than any other region in North America and contains one of the most diverse aquatic ecosystems in the world. The Tennessee River Basin holds more than 230 species of fish and 100 species of mussels, which is more of both species than any other U.S. watershed. While we have the most bio-diverse basin in the nation, we also have the highest number of imperiled species of any large basin in North America.

Our collective space would not exist without our engaged and driven partners. We are comprised of individuals representing federal and state agencies, cities, counties, tribes, private industry, academia, and other non-government organizations.
Our full list of partners can be found HERE.
In 2021, our Network underwent a partner-driven strategic planning process to outline a path to the identification and implementation of our collective HOW.